Troshin D.V.Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
Importance The article focuses on fundamental relations in national interests and strategic governance concerning unbiased grounds for identifying national interests. Objectives The research substantiates the unbiased list of Russia's national interests using a vital approach. Methods The research draws upon clauses of the systems theory, dialectics, strategic governance methods. Results I briefly analyzed the main approaches to comprehending the concept of national interest and its use for strategic governance purposes, and preparing lists of national interests in the Russian and foreign politics and science. The article shows that the approaches insufficiently rely upon a systems analysis. Interests generate the substance of key values of a person who has them, i.e. existence, and stem from the need to ensure systemically important factors, and resources for life and reproduction of the nation. Conclusions and Relevance Personal and national interests should be considered as a systemic unity and coordinated on the basis of the cultural tradition using the fractality of national values and needs. National interests are mutually related and can be the basis for setting up goals of strategic governance.
Keywords: national interest, nation, systemically important factor, existence, need
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