Importance The article analyzes the conditions of formation and implementation of industrial policy in Russia, which is an essential factor of ensuring the State security and facilitating the sustainable economic development, taking into account the experience of its implementation, the available intermediate results, institutional constraints, in particular, those related to the state of personnel: engineers and technicians, as well as the transport infrastructure. Objectives The paper shows the capabilities and tools (areas) of industrial policy, management of industrial systems in the current conditions of the Russian economy. I also determine the most appropriate feasible ways of the economy's industrial base development, and briefly outline the background and gained experience in industrial systems management through economic sectors' development programs. Methods In my research, I use the method of institutional and structural analyses of industrial development, envisaging qualitative evaluation of implemented solutions and quantitative (statistical) evaluation of the parameters of development. The paper explores the possibilities of conceptual approaches to the Russian industrial policy implementation. I analyze the historical experience of industrialization and compare it with the current experience. I mention the effect of de-industrialization, which must be counteracted at first stages of the Russian modern industrial policy implementation. The paper emphasizes positive impact of transport infrastructure development, in particular, rail transport and major infrastructure projects (transport sector development) on sustainable functioning of the Russian economy. The solution to this problem is a prospect for ensuring the country's national security. Results I came to a conclusion that three parameters determine and fully characterize the transport infrastructure development, i.e. traffic volume, traffic speed and perspective requirements. The paper emphasizes the need for comprehensive assessment of product range with calculation of coefficients of localization for all types of products, forecast of traffic dynamics taking into account technical regulations, evaluation of prospective data on the need for technical regulations by years, and the volume of investment in launching purely domestic engineering manufacture to develop transport infrastructure. Conclusions and Relevance I underline that the structure of investments and distribution of profits of Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways" will affect the overall multiplier effect of the company on the economy, which is subject to accurate evaluation in order to develop measures of industrial policy on a reasonable basis.
Keywords: industrial policy, transport, engineering, infrastructure, economic development conditions
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