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National Interests: Priorities and Security

Innovation and technological ways of ensuring defense and security of the Russian Federation

Vol. 10, Iss. 47, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 8 December 2014

Subject Heading: Priorities of Russia

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-10

Leonov A.V. 46th Central Research Institute of Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Pronin A.Yu. 46th Central Research Institute of Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Due to the increased level of the national security threats to the country, the innovation and technological way to ensure defense and security of the Russian Federation assumes special relevance. The article includes an analysis of the top priority and effective instruments of ensuring the Russian Federation's national security. The authors emphasize that creating modern and innovative army equipped with the most modern weapon systems that provide an adequate response to the whole range of threats to the military security of the State has been and continues to be the principal national priority. The authors underline the role of the Armed Forces contingents of the Russian Federation in peacekeeping and special operations of the Multinational Forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, as well as operations in the area of disarmament and elimination of illegal armed groups and suppression of terrorist activities. The Collective Rapid Reaction Force is an essential tool for ensuring the Russian Federation national security within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. The presence in their structure of the modern high-tech weapon models will permit to effectively perform the tasks during anti-terrorist activities, protection and defense of the key military and government facilities. The paper has shown that innovation and technological ensuring of defense and security is carried out within the framework of the State armament program, including the complex of research and development activities aimed at timely creation of scientific and technical groundwork for full-scale development of advanced weapons and preparation of their serial production. The article demonstrates a search for rational options of innovative-technological defense and security of the country, including sharing traditional and new models of weapons providing substantial improvements in the efficiency of the weapon system, or reducing the cost of their solution. The authors provide the structure of the scientific-technical backlog, and also the innovation-technological cycle of creating the promising models of armament. The paper concludes that the response to modern threats to the Russian Federation security must be ensured through the development and delivery to the troops of samples of equipment and new generation of weaponry systems based on advanced innovative and technological solutions that provide asymmetric rebuff against possible threats and challenges to the security and national interests of the Russian Federation, rather than through increasing the size of the Armed Forces.

Keywords: defense, security, national interests, innovation-technological ways, weapon system, conventional and unconventional armaments


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