Importance The article analyses the issues of innovation products pricing. Objectives The research subject encompasses the process of the substantiation and squaring of prices of innovation products in the conditions of bilateral monopoly. We aim to make recommendations on price assessment of innovation products. Methods The methods used encompass the systems analysis, methods of financial mathematics and the evaluation of the investment project efficiency. Results We examine the existing law and regulations that control the pricing process during the State-purpose purchases, particularly within the State Defense Order. We explain that during the bilateral monopoly the price formation turns out to be a process of bargaining between a customer and a single contractor regarding the latter's costs. While the contractor uses its information advantage, the customer uses different bargaining power of the parties. We suggest a fundamentally different approach to innovation products pricing, namely, determination of the upper and lower price limits on the basis of the customer's different benefit evaluation and supplier's costs. In order to evaluate the customer's benefits, we offer different methods: market analogues, substitution methods and imputation methods. To evaluate the executing agency costs, we propose using a payback method, method of calculation of direct and opportunity costs as well as various parametric methods. All methods are expressed as calculation formulas. Conclusions and Relevance We propose a general algorithm for pricing of innovation products. It includes a comparison of the upper and lower price limits, defining of pricing of manufacture of the priced products in case if manufacturers' input requirements exceed the customer's benefits. We have developed a program of actions (investment project) to resume the economic efficiency of the manufacture particular products. The field of the results application may include pricing when purchasing innovation products for the State-purpose purchases, particularly within the framework of the State Defense Order. The research results may be used for preparation of training courses in pricing.
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