pp. 2-7
Sources of financing the innovation activity of corporations: an accounting aspect
( Sapozhnikova N.G. )
pp. 8-17
Advantages and disadvantages of alternative options of inventory accounting under the standard method
( Gorshkova N.V. / Isaeva I.E. )
pp. 18-28
Evaluation and accounting for borrowings under Russian and international standards: similarities and differences
( Ivanovskaya A.V. / Akhmetzyanova F.N. )
pp. 29-44
Improving the non-monetary asset evaluation technique in financial statements
( Velichkovskii A.V. )
pp. 45-57
The preconditions for developing an integrated processoriented accounting system
( Varpaeva I.A. )
pp. 58-66
Implementing the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions
( Slobodyanik Yu.B. )