pp. 2-18
Reforming normative regulation system of Russian accounting under IFRS
( Druzhilovskaia T.U. / Druzhilovskaia E.S. )
pp. 19-24
Specifics of management accounting system elements of baking enterprises
( Dolgikh T.S. )
pp. 25-32
Accounting and analytical aspects of internal resources formation and application
( Bychkova S.M. / Badmaeva D.G. )
pp. 33-39
Methodical recommendations on cost and management accounting at the pre-contractual stage of construction activity within the framework of an integrated accounting system
( Zimakova L.A. / Serebrennikova I.V. )
pp. 40-46
Fixed assets contribution to authorized share capital: direct reflection of operation
( Shirikova K.S. )
pp. 47-55
Modification of Russian accounting techniques in implementation of the International Financial Reporting Standards implementation: methodical providing
( Lisovskaia I.A. / Chipurenko E.V. / Sidorova M.I. )
pp. 56-64
Question of the "efficiency" category
( Slobodniak I.А. / Tarovykh A.O. )