Accounting of financial instruments and investments in accordance with ias and accounting regulations: methodological problems and distinctions
( Breslavseva N.A. / Karaschenko V.V. / Proskurina V.A. / Marjanova S.A. )
Problems and trends of accounting outsourcing in Russia
( Ivanov A.E. / Lushpina E.V. )
Fair value accounting impact on the financial results of credit institutions
( Makushina E.U. / Stefanskaya A.Y. )
Problems of training of accountants and auditors during the reform period of higher education in Russia
( Averina O.I. / Gorbunova N.A. / Merkulova I.F. )
Factoring transactions: accounting-classification approach
( Makarovych V.K. )
The legal and methodological problems of materiality level accounting under preparation financial statements and under determination its reliability
( Akopyan A.T. )
( Telegus A.V. )