Subject. This article considers the methodological approaches to the analysis of banking resources from the point of view of their possible use in controlling the efficiency of resource provision and funding of commercial banks. Objectives. The article aims to test standard analytical methods used in the analysis of economic indicators characterizing the efficiency of banking activities in order to draw conclusions about the possibility of their application to control the risks of resource availability. Methods. For the study, we used induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, modeling, comparison, extrapolation, abstraction, as well as financial analysis and analytical calculations of indicators developed by the banking regulator to identify risk areas and determine key economic and financial indicators of a commercial bank. Results. The article finds that banks are experiencing difficulties in achieving the appropriate efficiency of resource provision within the parameters set by the regulator, which indicates the need to control performance indicators, especially those characterizing resource provision, and their use as one of the main generators of profit from core activities. Conclusions and Relevance. In the context of crisis phenomena in the banking sector, it is necessary to pay attention to the control of ensuring the profitability of resources attracted by the bank, as well as the factors affecting it, the main of which are the return on assets and liabilities and the completeness of the allocation of financial resources. The results of studying the methods of economic analysis for assessing the efficiency of resource provision can be useful for studying the problems of using bank resources and assessing their efficiency, as well as monitoring of efficiency parameters for internal control purposes.
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