Subject. This article examines the basic postulates of accounting as the basis of deductive theory. It analyses two main directions in the development of accounting postulates, namely the methodological and ethical ones, and examines the types of postulates and their impact on the accounting theory and methodology. Objectives. The article aims to study the postulates of accounting as a basic structural element of deductive theory, identify the main approaches to establishing postulates, and reveal the influence of accounting postulates on the theory and methodology of modern accounting. Methods. For the study, I used combinations of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and historical and logical research methods. Results. The article shows that postulates, along with concepts, are the basis of modern accounting theory and methodology. Postulates contain assumptions about the external environment of an economic entity, while theoretical concepts contain assumptions about the internal nature of an economic entity. The article identifies two main directions in the development of postulates in world practice, i.e. methodological and ethical directions. Relevance. The results obtained can be used to create the theory of accounting.
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