Objectives. This article aims to consider the problems that arise when applying the percentage-of-completion method when recognizing revenue at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex that perform R&D under contracts with a long cycle of work. Methods. For the study, we used analysis and synthesis, comparison, and research methods, based on logical grounds. Results. The article contains an analysis of the problems that arise when applying the percentage-of-completion method of recognizing revenue when performing R&D under contracts with a long cycle of work. It shows the different ways to determine the completion of R&D activities for the purpose of recognizing revenue, and identifies problems that arise when applying these methods. Conclusions. It is obvious, that in the context of the application of the new Federal Accounting Standards, in particular, FSBU 5/2019 – Inventories, which provides for the mandatory use of the Direct Costing (Direct Costs) method, organizations need to switch to the percentage-of-completion method when recognizing revenue. This method will help organizations improve the reliability of the submitted accounting (financial) statements and the quality of their analysis, and help the users make more informed economic decisions.
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