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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






International Accounting

Provisions for vacations in accounting: methodological approaches to formation

Vol. 18, Iss. 24, JUNE 2015

Available online: 28 July 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 56-62

Goryachikh S.P. Vyatka State University of Humanities, Kirov, Russian Federation

Subject Accounting statutory documents bind many organizations to create reserves; however, these documents include only general requirements and principles, there are no clearly regulated methods to create provisions for vacations. Therefore, accountants have numerous questions regarding the methodology of creating such reserves in compliance with accounting regulations.
     Objectives The study aims to summarize and review methodological approaches to formation of reserves for leaves and vacations in organizations.
     Methods Based on empirical research, I analyze and classify methods of creating provisions for leaves, taking into account the specifics of accounting process automation and the size of the enterprise.
     Results I have provided a classification of various methodological approaches to the formation of provision for leaves and vacations in organizations depending on the nature of accounting process and the size of the organization. The considered methods may be helpful for practical use in accounting operations of organizations, as well as in teaching and learning activities related to accounting for reserves and provisions.
     Conclusions I conclude that under the accounting reform in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, reserves are an important indicator of financial reporting as they enable to disclose unbiased and reliable information about financial condition of organizations.

Keywords: reserves, provisions, estimated liabilities, accounting, tax accounting


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