Importance The growing importance of knowledge and information in value creation of modern companies makes the problem of systematic accounting for and disclosure of information on intellectual capital in financial statements very relevant. Objectives The main goal of this work was to systematize the latest researches in the theory of intellectual capital and its measurement methods. Methods I reviewed the publications on the nature of intellectual capital, its structure and links with company value, and its measurement methods. I summarized the information on best practice of foreign companies in the sphere of intellectual capital accounting and management. In the study I applied the following research methods: analysis, comparison, generalization, and a systems approach. Results I displayed the factors that make it difficult to identify intellectual capital as an accounting item and prevent its qualitative disclosure in financial statements. The paper describes the current trends in intellectual capital measurement, systematizes advantages and disadvantages of the main methods of measuring intellectual capital. Conclusions and Relevance The results determine the future direction of researches. A unified approach to defining the nature and elements of intellectual capital is essential for developing the unified standard to measure, account for and disclose intellectual capital in financial statements. Nowadays, national governments and the international community are considering these issues. A proactive presentation of intellectual capital in company's financial statements, which is not based on a unified standard, creates information asymmetry and destabilizes financial markets. In the modern environment, most companies are using observation and measurement of intellectual capital for strategic value management. In this case, there is a trend towards renouncing controversial and unreliable methods of financial evaluation and transition to methods that are based on performance measurement. I conclude that intellectual capital may be disclosed in the accompanying information to financial statements subject to the existence of respective unified national or international standards for such disclosure.
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