Krylov S.I.Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, Russian Federation
Importance In complex environment of the modern market economy, every managerial decision, especially strategic, concerning future development of an organization, always implies certain degree of uncertainty. Therefore, the problem of building an effective system to manage risks inherent in the economic activity of an organization has a significant importance in the long-term perspective. Objectives In this article, base on foreign experience, I focus on interaction between the balanced scorecard system and the risk management system, which is aimed at increasing transparency within a company and developing risk-oriented mentality and responsibility of all employees. Methods The methodology of the research is the Balanced Scorecard concept developed by R. Kaplan and D. Norton, and the conceptual framework of risk management. Results The article explains that the risk-management and the Balanced Scorecard systems are based on using indicators (the so called "early" indicators). Both systems describe measures that are necessary to achieve goals and mitigate risks. The risk management system's integration in the general management system is the most effective if it has direct links with strategic goals of an enterprise. Establishing a link between the measures developed within the Balanced Scorecard system and the measures developed within the risk management system bases on the analysis of the measures and identifying the most effective ones in terms of risk mitigation. For most projects, about three months are necessary to build an integrated model of the Balanced Scorecard system and risk management system at every level of organizational hierarchy. The built integrated model enables to make strategic and prompt management decisions. Conclusions and Relevance I conclude that in modern conditions the integration of Balanced Scorecard and risk management systems will enable to enhance the efficiency of risk management inherent in economic activities of an organization.
Keywords: balanced scorecard, management, risk
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