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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






International Accounting

Analysis of modern techniques of formation of prospective financial information and reporting system of management accounting profit organizations

Vol. 16, Iss. 48, DECEMBER 2013

Available online: 30 December 2013


JEL Classification: 

Evstafeva E.M. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, the Department of Accounting, the Rostov State Economic University

Bogaty D.V. Graduate Student, the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, the Don State Agrarian University

For optimization of the process of making strategic and tactical management decisions, for evaluation of possible results of realization of the chosen strategies it is necessary to use forward-looking financial information and reporting within the system of management accounting. This financial information and reporting may be formed by various procedures. In the article current procedures and all diversity of these procedures was leaded into three variants of formation of the prospective financial statement were overviewed: autonomous, transformational and combined. Forward-looking financial information was grouped into three large focus areas: budgets formed within the budgeting system, strategic reporting and derivative balance sheets prepared according to the set target. Formation of expected financial statements will allow not only improving a financial condition of the commercial organization, but also at the same time to increase its image in the opinion of shareholders and potential investors

Keywords: forward-looking financial information, forward-looking financial reporting, process-oriented budgeting, strategic budgeting, financial budgets, strategic reporting, derivative balance sheets

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ISSN 2073-5081 (Print)

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