Igor’ G. MURAEVMinistry of Natural Resources and Timber Industry of the Arkhangelsk Region, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation igmuraev@gmail.com ORCID id: not available
Subject. The article considers the current state and prospects for the timber and machine-building complex development. Objectives. The purpose is to identify ways to solve the problems of investment development of the timber complex of Russia. Methods. The study draws on general scientific research methods. Results. Russian forestry industry enterprises mainly use European-made equipment. Unlike other timber industry regions of Russia, the Arkhangelsk Oblast shows positive examples of solving problems related to the replacement of foreign equipment, machinery and spare parts. In general, for successful development of timber engineering in Russia, it is necessary to develop general mechanical engineering focused on the world economy. Conclusions. The findings can be used by regional authorities to develop strategies for the timber complex development.
Keywords: timber complex, machine-building complex, equipment and machinery
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