A structural model of mutual influence of human capital development and regional academic ecosystems in the context of socio-economic diversity of the Russian Far East
Subject. This article discusses the issues of the Russian Far East research and production capacity development, population migration, and its impact on the economic system's stability. Objectives. The article aims to develop mechanisms for cooperation between government officials, entrepreneurs, and heads of educational centers of the Far Eastern Federal District, and identify the key economic and demographic problems, the solution of which can contribute to the human capital development. Methods. For the study, we used a systems analysis. Conclusions. The article concludes that it is necessary to strengthen the role of regional universities in the training of specialists. The quality of human capital is negatively affected by the imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market, shuttle migration, outflow and population decline. The Russian Far East regions lagging behind the other regions of the country in terms of the number of students is a threat to the unity of Russia's economic space.
Keywords: human capital, structural model, development, Russian Far East, ecosystem, actors, cooperation
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