Subject. This article discusses the formation of receivables that depends on the influence of numerous and at the same time heterogeneous factors. Objectives. The article aims to develop methodological provisions for the content of receivables, its key elements, in order to establish an adequate management mechanism to maintain capacity to pay and maximize profits. Methods. For the study, we used the systems approach, analysis and synthesis, and generalization. Results. On the basis of generalization and systematization of published works on the subject matter, we have identified insufficient accounting of the impact of receivables at the macro level and show a new direction of the topic in terms of the functional assignment of receivables in the structure of working capital at the micro level. Conclusions. Receivables are a kind of credit exposure of an economic entity. This risk has certain criteria such as volume and duration combined with time, quantitative and qualitative characteristics.
Keywords: debts receivable, operative indicator, current assets, credit risk, value added tax
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