Subject. This article examines the issues related to the adaptation of households and the business sector to changing conditions of the internal and external environment. Objectives. The article aims to analyze the indicators fixed in the basic version of the forecast of socio-economic development of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the coming years. Methods. For the study, we used a statistical analysis. Results. The article finds that the forecast values of the indicator Real Disposable Income of the Population in the event of increased instability in foreign markets and depreciation of the national currency in the medium term may not be achieved. Labor productivity is a key factor in economic growth with low growth rates of the average annual number of employees. Relevance. The results of the study can be used by regional authorities in the formation of key areas of tax and budget policies of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Keywords: socio-economic development, region, forecast, Republic of Bashkortostan
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