Yurii А. ALTYNOVFinancial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation YAAltynov@fa.ru ORCID id: not available
Subject. The article considers the mechanisms of the insurance model of domestic health financing from the perspective of readiness for extreme operating conditions caused by the spread of a new coronavirus infection. Objectives. The purpose is to assess the financial sustainability of the Russian model of compulsory medical insurance in the fight against the pandemic, and propose measures to improve the financial support to State guarantees of free medical care. Methods. I employ the methods of logical analysis, statistical analysis, comparison, and other general scientific methods. Results. Extreme conditions caused by COVID-19 pandemic negatively affect the financial stability of healthcare organizations. However, the Russian version of compulsory medical insurance does not provide for any mechanisms to compensate for financial losses in case of economic instability. Thus, the debate about the need to return to the budgetary model of health care becomes particularly relevant in the new economic situation. Conclusions. There is a need to modernize the key elements of the financial model of compulsory medical insurance in terms of increased transparency of tariff policy in payments for medical care, financial risk sharing, automation of operational processes in industry management, etc. It is also crucial to continue reforming the public health sector based on the patient-centered approach through strengthening the outpatient medical care, developing the telemedicine, introducing chronic disease management programs, etc.
Keywords: сoronavirus, compulsory medical insurance, State guarantee, free medical care, health expenditure
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