Subject. Industrial potential of the Amur Oblast. Problems of implementation of investment projects in the Far East of Russia. Objectives. To analyze the main indicators of the Amur Oblast labor market for 2000–2020. Identification of the main features and trends of its development. Systematization of the main factors in the development of the labor market. Methods. The methods of economic and statistical analysis, system analysis, shift-component method were used. Results. In the Amur Oblast, against the background of a significant reduction in the number of permanent population, the number of working-age population is decreasing even faster. The average annual number of people employed in the Amur Oblast's economy is decreasing faster than the FEFD average. The ratio between sectors of the economy has changed: there has been a decrease in the primary sector and an increase in the secondary and tertiary sectors. Conclusions. It is necessary to systematically train the specialists necessary for the economy of the region by local institutions of higher and secondary vocational education.
Keywords: labor market, labor resources, employment, labor migration, region
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