Svetlana V. PANIKAROVAInstitute of Economics and Management, Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (UrFU), Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation ORCID id: not available
Vladimir V. YUGOVUral State Forest Engineering University (USFEU), Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation ORCID id: not available
Subject. This article discusses the importance of infrastructure investment for the socio-economic development of the regions of Russia. Objectives. The article aims to analyze the regional investment policy from the perspective of the development of public-private partnership. Methods. For the study, we used a cluster analysis. Results. The article proposes a typology of the subjects of the Russian Federation, using indicators related to investments in infrastructure and development of public-private partnerships. The article finds that the possibilities of public-private partnership as a mechanism are not fully used, which is due to institutional factors and limited access to financial resources. Conclusions. The creation of specialized competence centers and development of public-private partnership institutions will contribute to the formation of a more effective investment policy in the regions of Russia.
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