Yurii N. SAGIDOVInstitute of Social and Economic Research, Dagestan Scientific Center of RAS, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, Russian Federation sagidov_2014@mail.ru ORCID id: not available
Subject. This article discusses the importance of self-development of regions for the country's economy. Objectives. The article aims to identify the reasons for the decline in interest in the idea of self-development of regions and search for approaches to its mainstreaming. Methods. For the study, I used statistical and analog procedure approaches. Results. The article names and describes the main factors hindering the self-development of the Russian Federation regions. Conclusions. It is necessary to change the strategy of the political and economic infrastructure arrangement of the country to promote a model implying that strong regions do construct the basis of a strong center and power of the country. The methodological approaches to encouraging the regions to switch over to the self-development mode should be adjusted.
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