Subject. This article deals with the current trends in regional innovation processes that are taking place in Russia. Objectives. The article aims to justify and systematize trends in the innovation sector of the region, determine their dependence on the rate of economic growth and development of the country's technological complex. Methods. For the study, I used the methods of systems, economic, and statistical analyses, SWOT analysis, classification, comparison, and expert assessment. Statistics and analytical data for the Russian Federation and the Tyva Republic are the basis for analysis. Results. The article highlights the main trends in the innovation-driven development of the regions of Russia, elements of the innovation infrastructure, and the regional innovation system framework. It identifies the obstacles to the transition to the knowledge economy, considering the Tyva Republic as a case study. Conclusions. The Tyva Republic has every opportunity to intensify innovation processes. On the basis of attracting investments, the Republic has begun forming local competitive innovation clusters. It is advisable to create a regional infrastructure to promote innovation and a system of stimulation and selection of innovative initiatives of the population.
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