Subject This article highlights the natural and resource potential and capabilities of the Ganja-Gazakh Economic Region of Azerbaijan. Objectives The article aims to assess the feasibility of developing projects to increase domestic and external investment in the Ganja-Gazakh Economic Region. Methods For the study, we used content, systems, and statistical data analyses, and the emergence principle, that implies the impossibility to reduce properties of the whole to the sum of properties of its parts. Results The article provides an assessment of the reserves of natural raw resources of the Ganja-Gazakh Economic Region. Conclusions The ecological environment of the region has been damaged by depletion and pollution as the consumption of natural resources increases. There is a need for increased investment in resource-use projects and priority programmes for the restoration and conservation of the environment. The local executive authorities should prepare decisions to encourage investment in the modernization of the region's production infrastructure.
Keywords: economic region, resources, potential,
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