Subject This article analyzes the process of realization of large-scale programs of social and economic development of the Russian Far East. Objectives The article aims to consider the practices of applying target-focused approaches in the regional economic policies on development of the Russian Far East and identify the reasons why these programs were not fully implemented. Methods For the study, I used the historical, dialectic, abstract-logical, computational and comparative methods. Results The article determines the level of fulfillment of the set parameters of the Russian Far East development programs and shows the main shortcomings of the implemented programs. Conclusions To develop a program of practical significance and assess the extent to which the goal is achieved, it is necessary to ensure the formalizability of objectives and clarity of relationships, based on the principle of reducing diversity to the minimum required. The original tenor of the target-oriented program should be restored as a means of centralizing management and concentrating resources.
Keywords: Russian Far East, development program, regional economic policy, macroregion, parameter
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