Lobkova E.V.School of Economics, Management and Environmental Studies of Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation elenavalerin@yandex.ru ORCID id: not available
Petrichenko A.S.OOO Kraevoi tsentr dental'noi implantatsii, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation kcdi@list.ru ORCID id: not available
Importance This article studies the mechanism of State health regulation and methods of management of efficiency of regional healthcare institutions. Objectives The article aims to analyze the territorial health system in the context of the urgent need to optimize budget expenditures and address public health problems, as well as develop directions to improve the effectiveness of the regional health system of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. Methods For the study, we used the method of index numbers and calculation of dynamics indicators using official statistics data. Results We have developed and now present a system of indicators of regional health efficiency assessment, focused mainly on public health indicators and quality of medical services. We also offer our own version of the Luenberger observer modification adapted to the objectives of the regional health system analysis. Conclusions and Relevance The article concludes that it is necessary to optimize the regional health system using the parameters of medical and social efficiency of the system. The proposed approach to assessing the effectiveness of regional health system can be used as a mechanism to develop recommendations for the management of the network of medical and prophylactic institutions of the region.
Keywords: regional health care system, indicators, effectiveness, treatment and prevention institution
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