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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Evaluation of strategic activities of the regional industrial and agricultural companies of the Volgograd oblast

Vol. 14, Iss. 4, APRIL 2016

Received: 1 October 2015

Received in revised form: 3 December 2015

Accepted: 20 January 2016

Available online: 16 April 2016


JEL Classification: L10, M21, O12, R11

Pages: 168-177

Bel'skikh I.E. Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russian Federation

Spertsyan A.M. Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russian Federation

Subject The article deals with the issues of evaluation of the activities of regional industrial and agricultural companies of the Volgograd oblast.
Objectives The paper aims to identify the strategic objectives of agricultural and industrial enterprises of the Volgograd oblast.
Methods For the study, we used empirical, statistics, and expert analyses.
Results We identify the main directions of development of the industrial and agricultural companies as technical re-equipment, modernization, improvement of the market position, and the production optimization.
Conclusions and Relevance We note that the regional companies shall not post information on their activities in the available sources, because they believe it is risky. The results of the research may be useful for the scientific and business communities, as well as the Volgograd oblast's executive authorities.

Keywords: purpose, mission, strategy, regional companies, expert evaluation, Volgograd oblast


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