Importance The article deals with the problems and prospects of development of the market of periodicals in the Russian Federation. Objectives The aim of the paper is to analyze the state of the periodicals market in Russia, as well as the activities aimed at its improvement. In the course of the study, we resolved the following tasks: identifying the key trends of the modern market of periodicals and identifying the development prospects of the printing industry. Methods We used scientific, empirical, statistical, economic and analytical research methods, as well as official statistics and the studies of Russian scientists. Results We state the need to stimulate and develop the press industry. We identified the key trends and prospects of the periodicals market in Russia. We propose certain activities aimed at improving the market's condition. Conclusions and Relevance We came to a conclusion that the development of the market of periodicals is under threat. A system State and socio-cultural support, including optimization of taxation of the industry's enterprises, are absolutely required to strengthen the economic state of the press industry and ensure stable tax revenue in the budgets of all levels.
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