Importance The article deals with the problems of improving the quality of economic space of the regions with resource-based economy and developing tools for its evaluation. Objectives The aim of the paper is to assess the quality of the economic space in resource-oriented regions and developing tools for this evaluation. Methods To develop tools to assess the quality of economic space, we used a system of indicators characterizing the structure of the economy and the dynamics of structural changes. Results We propose a new approach to evaluating the quality of economic space of a resource-oriented region based on the principles of the development of high technological modes in sectors of the economy, taking into account the density, uniformity of production and connectivity of business entities. Conclusions We concluded that to ensure the competitiveness of the region, promising projects of import substitution and the development of innovative directions of industry, to address the critical dependence of the economy on foreign technologies are required. So we recommend introducing an additional block of indicators showing the industries' technological level, to accomplish the composition of the evaluation parameters of the economic space's quality.
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