Importance The article discusses the improving the economic sustainability through the use of types of biomass for the production of energy resources. Objectives The article aims to justify the use of biogas to achieve the maximum economic effect. Methods For the study, we used system and institutional analyses, economic-statistical methods, and mathematical modeling techniques of manufacturing processes involving the use of biogas in the agrarian economy. Results We propose a methodological approach to simulate a bioenergy complex the functioning of which would maximize the net present value. We developed an economic-mathematical optimization model the criterion of which is a net-present-value indicator. We prove that in terms of effective use of biofuels (ethanol, rapeseed oil, methyl ether of vegetable oil, biogas or biomethane) per unit of area, the most promising is the biogas and its derivative, i.e. biomethane. Conclusions and Relevance We concluded that the production of gaseous biofuel will replace non-renewable fossil energy resources and reduce the cost of production of agricultural units. In addition, we prove that the cultivation of energy type of biomass for the production of biogas can give significantly higher gross income than the growing of traditional crops to further sell them at market prices. The proposed methodological approach to determining the economic feasibility of growing the energy type of biomass can be used in various regions and countries of the world.
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