Pan'shin I.V.Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russian Federation
Tobien M.A.Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russian Federation
Importance The article deals with the problems of energy efficiency of the regional economy, as well as power management and the peculiarities in regions. Objectives The goal is to analyze the availability of resources of energy efficiency regional programs and find ways to improve the economic resource policy in the regions of the Russian Federation using the Central Federal District case study. Methods For the study, we used techniques of vertical and horizontal economic analyses, scientific logical methods, as well as the methods of modeling of economic systems. Results We propose certain mechanisms to attract investment to finance energy-saving measures in regions. Conclusions and Relevance We conclude that regions are underfinanced to ensure the energy efficiency growth for the unclear Government policy in energy conservation, lack of a common methodology to design and implement programs, neglect to regional characteristics and the existing experience of the successful and most energy efficient regions of the Russian Federation. The results of the research can be used by regional authorities and economists for the adjustment of regional energy policies, the elaboration of regional programs to increase energy efficiency, and to improve the Federal regulatory framework in the field of energy efficiency.
Keywords: regional energy resources, energy conservation, energy efficiency, resource supply, energy management
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