Importance The article studies the economic development of the north-eastern part of the Rostov region comprising 14 municipal districts which have a range of problematic characteristics like prolonged economic depression, the predominance of low-output agricultural machines, the steady outflow of population, lack of accessibility and the lack of urban population. A significant differentiation of the municipal districts of the zone calls for their zoning to provide a more balanced development. Objectives The article aims to show the techniques and results of socio-economic zoning of the north-eastern area of the Rostov region on a set of socio-economic and geographical parameters. Methods I used certain methods of regional economy to analyze the spatial differentiation of the municipal districts of the north-eastern area of the Rostov region, and a system of socio-economic indicators to zone them. Results I introduce a technique of socio-economic zoning of the territory and specify three territorial-economic districts. I justify the necessity of considering the specificity of each of the districts to work out regional management measures, aimed at minimizing the negative manifestations of their remote character of development. Relevance The data obtained are of interest both to methodologists and practitioners involved in the management of the territories, and also can be used as a learning material and algorithm in studies on the spatial organization of small but specific regions.
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