Importance The article deals with the problems of interregional differences of innovative development of regions of the Russian Federation. The imposition of economic sanctions determines the need to assess the innovation activity of the Russian regions on the basis of domestic and foreign experience of measuring the innovation development of territories. Objectives The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the innovation activity of the Russian regions. Methods I used econometric methods and built a synthetic indicator within the integral objectivistic approach to classify, in a multidimensional aspect, the regions of the Russian Federation on the innovative activity. Results I show that regional innovation systems are heterogeneous in composition and performance that leads to the need of ranking the subjects of the Russian Federation according to the level of innovation development. I analyzed the innovation activity of subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of integral synthetic categories. I present a system of indicators of innovative activity and a hierarchical system of statistical indicators and private criteria of innovation activity of the Russian regions, which covers all participants in market relations and meets the requirements of regulatory institutions. Conclusions and Relevance The results of the study have practical significance, as they can be used to improve the existing federal programs designed to diminish disparities in innovative development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The econometric approach to measure the innovative activity of regions helps to not only assess the innovation potential of the region, but also to identify opportunities and reserves of the regional economy's growth, to define public policies for the promotion of innovative activity of the regions of Russia.
Keywords: innovation activity, integral indicator, region, econometric approach, regional index
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