Brovkina A.V.Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Importance The article identifies the key problems of development of the investment activities at the regional level in the area of transport infrastructure. Objectives The paper's purpose is to substantiate and classify institutional factors affecting the investment climate in the region. Methods For research, we use logical, cause-effect, comparison, system analyses, as well as the method of ordering. Results We reviewed and analyzed the research works on problems of development of investment activities at the regional level. On the basis of macroeconomic analysis of regional and federal investment programs, we described the development policy of investment projects that require the formation and development of institutional factors. In modern times, they are the basis of State investment policy and strategy in the transport sector in the region. Conclusions We conclude that the arrival of conservative institutional investors is largely based on the competitiveness potential of the region formed by a favorable investment climate dependent on institutional factors.
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