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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

A system of interaction between the State and business structures in the strategic development of infrastructure for business

Vol. 13, Iss. 15, APRIL 2015

Available online: 23 April 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-11

Sibirskaya E.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Oveshnikova L.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance The article focuses on outlining comprehensive and systematized procedures for strategic planning of the business infrastructure framework based on the study of trends and issues existing in the infrastructure complex of the Russian Federation. It will allow formulating a reasonable, logical and efficient system of interaction between governmental organizations and business structures in the process of strategic development of the business infrastructure framework.
     Objectives The study aims at solving the scientific and practical issue of creating a favorable environment for business development through elaboration of the system of interaction between authorities and business entities. To implement this objective, the researchers have to resolve specific tasks: clarification of barriers for the business infrastructure framework, setting up the system of interaction between governmental organizations and business structures in strategic development of the business infrastructure framework at various levels, evaluation of the infrastructure framework efficiency.
     Methods The research relies on a systems approach to studying the conceptual and methodological issues of interaction between governmental and business structures in strategic development of the business infrastructure framework.
     Results Conceptual and methodological provisions of the system of interaction between governmental and business structures in strategic development of the business infrastructure framework will become the methodological basis for further theoretical and applied researches within scientific and professional activities of business structures. This system will allow setting up general conditions for business operations at the macroeconomic level, influencing certain groups of market actors at the microeconomic level, assisting in implementation of federal and regional programs at the regional level.
     Conclusions The authors propose a pattern for interaction of governmental and business structures in strategic development of the business infrastructure framework at various levels, which is designated to establish an efficient interaction platform, enables the State and businesses to satisfy their own and public needs.

Keywords: infrastructure, framework, entrepreneurship, business, State, interaction, regional program, budget, region, regional economy


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