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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Regional trends of formation and differentiation of incomes and living standards of Russian households

Vol. 13, Iss. 6, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 7 February 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 30-39

Mallaeva M.I. Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, Russian Federation

Importance The formation of market relations in Russia contributes to a sharp decline in living standards of households and leads to the increased differentiation of their incomes, particularly manifested in the regional aspect. The need to identify the causes and contributing factors of this phenomenon, as well as the defining of a new role of households in modern conditions determined the relevance of the present study.
     Objectives The aim is to study the features of formation of households' income and consumption, typical of a number of Russian regions. Achieving this goal is possible through the solution of a number of interrelated tasks: an analysis of the incomes of Russian households over the period of market reforms in different regions; a study of the effect on the value of different sources of income and factors; an analysis of the regional differentiation factors of income; a study of the consumer behavior of households.
     Methods I have analyzed the modern structure of household income. A comparative analysis method showed the income inequality of households in different regions of Russia. A factor analysis has revealed a variety of factors that influence the income size and differentiation.
     Results I have specified the causes of differentiation household income and consumption in various regions of Russia and the factors enhancing business activity in the Republic of Dagestan and other regions of the South of Russia.
     Conclusions The study led to the conclusion that regional factors are the major cause of income differences and low living standards. In this regard, the economic policy should focus on "growth points" - the development of region-specific advantages. In particular, in the Republic of Dagestan it is necessary to carry out State support for individual entrepreneurship and develop the economic potential of households.

Keywords: household, income, expenditure, consumption, regional factors, differentiation, living standards, poverty, savings, income adjustment


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