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Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Modern trends in strategic budget planning: a regional context

Vol. 12, Iss. 20, MAY 2014

Available online: 3 June 2014

Subject Heading: Municipal finance

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 8-16

Malinovskaia O.V. Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Brovkina A.V. Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

The article considers the problems connected with a need of development of long-term budgetary strategy. The authors reveal negative features of medium-term budget planning (a Russian Federation subject's budget case study) and substantiate the advantages of long-term forecasting.

Keywords: long-term budget strategy, budgeting, result-oriented, forecasting, strategy


  1. Borovikova E.V. Sovremennaia kontseptsiia razrabotki biudzhetnoi strategii v sub”ekte Rossiiskoi Federatsii [The modern concept of budget strategy development of a subject of the Russian Federation]. Regional’naia ekonomika: teoriia i praktika – Regional economics: theory and practice, 2013, no. 1.
  2. Bratanova A.V. Metodika predvaritel’noi otsenki gosudarstvennykh programm v gorode Moskve na osnove regional’nogo opyta programmno-tselevogo biudzhetnogo planirovaniia [Methods of state program preliminary estimate in Moscow on a basis of regional experience of program-and-target budget planning]. Regional’naia ekonomika: teoriia i praktika – Regional economics: theory and practice, 2013, no. 24.
  3. Malinovskaia O.V., Skobeleva I.P., Brovkina A.V. Gosudarstvennye i munitsipal’nye finansy: uchebnoe posobie [Public and municipal finance: a manual]. Moscow, KnoRus Publ., 2012, 432 p.
  4. Malinovskaia O.V., Skobeleva I.P. Osnovy stanovleniia programmnogo biudzhetirovaniia v Rossii [The basics of program budgeting in Russia]. Finansy i kredit – Finance and credit, 2013, no. 35.
  5. The budget policy for 2014–2016: the RF Presidential message on budget of June 13, 2013. (In Russ.)
  6. The forecast of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation for the period till 2030: submitted by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. (In Russ.)
  7. Fedotova G.V. Gosudarstvennyi kontrol’ v sisteme strategicheskogo planirovaniia razvitiia regiona [A government control in the system of strategic planning of a region’s development]. Regional’naia ekonomika: teoriia i praktika – Regional economics: theory and practice, 2013, no. 8.

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ISSN 2311-8733 (Online)
ISSN 2073-1477 (Print)

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Vol. 22, Iss. 9
September 2024
