The article deals with availability and transparency of administrative procedures at all stages of construction process. The authors consider the administrative barriers, existing in housing construction in the region, as a major negative obstacle factor standing in the way of a developer and hampering the overall economic development of the housing sector.
Asaul A.N., Grakhov V.P. Funktsionirovanie investitsionno-stroitel’nogo kompleksa s pozitsii teorii marketinga[Functioning of an investment and construction complex from the position of the theory of marketing]. Ekonomika stroitel'stva – Construction economy, 2005, no. 1, pp. 2–17.
Grakhova E.V., Grakhov V.P. Kontseptual’naia model’ otsenki kreditosposobnosti regiona (na primere Udmurtskoi Respubliki)[A conceptual model of a region solvency assessment (an Udmurt Republic case study)]. Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo – Economy and business, 2013, no. 12–1, pp. 295–298.
Grakhov V.P., Iakushev N.M., Semenova S.V. Informatsionno-investitsionnoe obespechenie gradostroitel’noi deiatel’nosti: monografiia [Information and investment support of town-planning activities: monograph]. Izhevsk, Izhevsk State Technical University Publ., 2013, 232 p.
Grakhov V.P. Formirovanie i organizatsiia kontseptsii marketinga menedzhmenta v investitsionno-stroitel’nom komplekse [Formation of a concept of management marketing in the investment and construction complex]. St. Petersburg, Gumanistika Publ., 2005, 248 p.
Grakhov V.P. Investitsionno-stroitel’nyi kompleks goroda Izhevska: itogi i perspektivy[The investment and construction complex of the city of Izhevsk: the results and prospects]. Ekonomicheskoe vozrozhdenie Rossii – Economic renewal of Russia, 2007, no. 2, pp. 43–49.
Grakhov V.P. Formirovanie funktsional’nykh sostavliaiushchikh marketing-menedzhmenta v stroitel’nykh organizatsiiakh[Formation of functional components of marketing management in construction organizations]. Vestnik grazhdanskikh inzhenerov –Bulletin of civil architects, 2005, no. 3, pp. 104–108.
Grakhov V.P., Koshcheev V.A., Semenova S.V., Taranukha N.L. Organizatsiia i upravlenie gradostroitel’noi deiatel’nost’iu: monografiia v 2 chastiakh. Chast’ 1 [Organization and management of town-planning activities: a monograph in 2 parts. Part 1]. Izhevsk, Federal Agency on Education, Izhevsk State Technical University Publ., 2009, 216 p.
Koshcheev V.A., Grakhov V.P. Biudzhetirovanie kak instrument upravleniia organizatsiei v usloviiakh konkurentnoi sredy [Budgeting as an instrument of management of the organization in conditions of competitive environment]. Vestnik grazhdanskikh inzhenerov – Bulletin of civil architects, 2007, no. 1, pp. 80–82.
Mokhnachev S.A., Mokhnachev K.S., Shamaeva N.P. Tendentsii i osobennosti sovershenstvovaniia integratsii obrazovaniia, nauki i biznesa v promyshlenno razvitom regione [The improvement tendencies and features of integration of education, science and business in the industrially developed region]. Menedzhment i biznes-administrirovanie – Management and business administration, 2012, no. 3, pp. 84–91.
Polidi T. Administrativnye bar’ery pri realizatsii investitsionno-stroitel’nykh proektov [Administrative barriers in the way of investment and construction projects]. Moscow, Fond “Institut ekonomiki goroda” Publ., 2012, 12 p.