Miakshin V.N.Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk region, Russian Federation mcshin@yandex.ru
On the basis of functional trait, the author systematized the main factors that determine the investment attractiveness of a region. He studied the key factors of investment attractiveness of the Arkhangelsk region: the combination of the fundamental core factors includes such factors as political, economic, social, natural resource, production and financial ones, as well as the development factors (innovation, institutional, infrastructural).
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Miakshin V.N. Issledovanie investitsionnoi privlekatel'nosti Severo-Arkticheskogo regiona Rossii na osnove makroekonomicheskikh pokazatelei [An attractiveness survey of the Northwest Arctic region of Russia on the basis of macroeconomic indicators]. Izvestiia vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Lesnoi zhurnal – News of higher educational institutions. Forest journal, 2012, no 3, pp. 122-130.
Miakshin V.N., Pes'iakova T.N. Sistema pokazatelei dlia otsenki sbalansirovannosti regional'nogo lesopromyshlennogo kompleksa [The system of indicators to assess the balance of the regional timber industry]. Izvestiia vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Lesnoi zhurnal - News of higher educational institutions. Forest journal, 2008, no. 4, pp. 140–147.
Miakshin V.N. Metodologiia formirovaniia strategii povysheniia investitsionnoi privlekatel'nosti regiona [Methodology of strategies to increase the investment attractiveness of the region]. Regional'naia ekonomika: teoriia i praktika – Regional economics: theory and practice, 2013, no. 28. pp. 46–55.
Miakshin V.N. Razrabotka kontseptual'nogo podkhoda k otsenke investitsionnoi privlekatel'nosti regiona na osnove sbalansirovannoi sistemy pokazatelei [Development of a conceptual approach to the investment attractiveness of the region based on the balanced scorecard]. Regional'naia ekonomika: teoriia i praktika – Regional economics: theory and practice, 2013, no. 29. pp. 31–41.
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