Conceptual provisions on improving the quality of customs services based on enhancing the business processes of end-to-end customs control over imported goods under digital traceability
Subject. The article discusses the development of management decision-making systems, optimization of activities of customs authorities. Objectives. The aim is to devise a system of requirements for business processes implementation in the customs control given the introduction of digital technologies.
Methods. The study draws on general scientific research methods. Results. Customs services should be provided to a specific consumer in a timely manner and mainly in electronic form, and comprehensive information about the result recorded in the information system of the unified departmental digital platform, should be available to interested parties. Conclusions. Actions are needed to coordinate and develop digital traceability systems at the supranational, national (interdepartmental), intradepartmental levels, to expand the range of goods subject to traceability.
Keywords: business process management concept, digital traceability, business process, end-to-end customs control, customs service
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