Subject. This article discusses the issues of supporting the self-employed as part of the implementation of the public policy to support small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the identification of risks arising in the process of providing reactive measures of government support to the self-employed. Objectives. The article aims to conduct a comprehensive study of the results of scaling up the business of the self-employed who have received government support, considering the Sverdlovsk Oblast statistical data as a case study, as well as to test the author-developed methodology for ranking the sustainability and risks of the self-employed. Methods. For the study, we used chronological and comparative analyses, statistical observation, and ranking. Results. The article determines the level of business and socially oriented business growth potential of the self-employed, and assesses the possibilities for the transition of the self-employed to the category of small and medium-sized businesses. Conclusions. Based on the study, the article concludes that it is necessary to apply the target indicators enshrined in State programmes to support entrepreneurship when assessing the scaling of small businesses of the self-employed.
Keywords: sustainable development, self-employed, small and medium-sized businesses, risk management, business scaling
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