Subject. This article discusses the issues of ensuring employment of the rural population of the Russian Federation. Objectives. The article aims to assess the impact of infrastructure provision indicators on the total value of the distribution part of the balance of labor resources in rural areas. Methods. For the study, we used the methods of case, comparative, and correlation and regression analyses. Results. The article determines the contribution of the main types of economic activity to the formation of the employment level of the rural population. It develops multiple regression models characterizing the relationship between the number of actually employed rural population and indicators of infrastructure provision in rural areas. The article formulates recommendations for public authorities to attract and consolidate the population in rural areas. The article finds that the largest percentage of labor resources in rural areas falls on the non-production sphere. Conclusions. To consolidate and further attract the population to rural areas, significant investment in infrastructure development is needed.
Keywords: balance of labor resources, able-bodied population, rural areas, regression equation, infrastructure provision, social infrastructure
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