Subject. This article considers the issues related to global value chains as the most important driver of the world economy’s development. Objectives. The article aims to substantiate the conditions for the integration of Russian export networks into the system of global value chains functioning. Methods. The study is based on a conceptual model of distributed value-added chain. Results. Based on the analysis of the possibilities of integration of Russian producers into global value chains, the article presents arguments about the expediency of participation of enterprises in these global chains, depending on the stage of the production process and commodity distribution. Conclusions. The direct participation of Russian producers in global value chains is limited to a greater extent by the supply of primary resources and products of a low value-added level for the needs of foreign producers. In Russian exports, the share of foreign value added is insignificant. It is necessary to create export networks both for integration into existing global value chains and for creating own ones.
Keywords: global value chains, GVC, export networks, integration
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