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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Classification of old industrial regions in order to implement differentiated regional policy

Vol. 20, Iss. 4, APRIL 2024

Received: 5 October 2023

Received in revised form: 19 December 2023

Accepted: 27 January 2024

Available online: 15 April 2024


JEL Classification: R11

Pages: 608–627


Natal'ya Yu. SOROKINA Institute of Economics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation


Subject. The article addresses problems of production for the domestic market, compliance of the level of industry development with the requirements of the new technological paradigm.
Objectives. The article aims at systematization of economic and geographical characteristics of old industrial regions of Russia.
Methods. I employ methods of statistical analysis.
Results. Two factors enable to fully reveal the specifics of the development of old industrial regions, i.e. historical and sectoral. I developed an algorithm to classify old industrial regions. It helps specify their composition and identify their main subtypes based on the analysis of the ‘sectoral kernel’.
Conclusions. The research results can be used in the development of policies focused on creating conditions for the transformation of old industrial regions into ‘growth centers’ of the Russian economy.

Keywords: old industrial region, center of economic growth, classification of regions, regional socio-economic policy, spatial development


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ISSN 2311-875X (Online)
ISSN 2073-2872 (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 20, Iss. 7
July 2024
