Аrtur V. IL'INRostov State University of Economics (RSUE), Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation fnauka@bk.ru ORCID id: not available
Subject. This article deals with the development of financial monitoring through improving methodological tools for identifying and assessing the vulnerability of credit organizations to the risk of money laundering. Objectives. The article aims to determine areas of improvement of the financial monitoring mentioned. Methods. For the study, I used logical, comparative, and statistical analyses. Results. The article defines and describes areas and methodological tools to improve financial monitoring of the vulnerability of credit organizations to the risk of money laundering, considering Russian banks as a case study. Conclusions. Developing financial monitoring of credit institutions' vulnerability to the risk of money laundering in designated areas can help cover a wider range of different vulnerabilities, related not to the characteristics of credit organizations only but to their properties, as well.
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