Subject. This article examines the dynamic relationship between socio-cultural traditions and innovations of the same name in the context of increasing complexity of the internal and external environment. Objectives. The article aims to show that the interpretation of the essence of civilizational security characterizes the system-related functionality of the organic unity of relevant socio-cultural values. Methods. For the study, we used a statistical and semasiological research method and the heuristic potential of paired categories of dialectics. Results. The article substantiates the thesis that the civilizational identity of the individual and society is both an integral criterion of socio-cultural integrity and a parameter of the stability of civilization. It proposes certain arrangement of a new discursive space, involving criticism of neoliberal socio-cultural simulacra, which are a threat to the development of Russia. Conclusions. The article comes to the conclusion that within the framework of a democratic State, there are always more chances for the arrangement of highly effective socio-cultural practices and the expanded re-creation of socio-cultural innovations that ensure civilizational security.
Keywords: civilization, civilizational security, civilizational identity, sociocultural traditions and innovations, living standard, quality of life
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