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National Interests: Priorities and Security

Modern conceptual models of macroeconomic and economic crisis: Systemic, institutional and management approaches

Vol. 18, Iss. 10, OCTOBER 2022

Received: 29 August 2022

Received in revised form: 14 September 2022

Accepted: 29 September 2022

Available online: 14 October 2022


JEL Classification: Å02, G01, H12

Pages: 1879–1904


Dmitrii V. MANUSHIN Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov (IEML), Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation


Subject. The article addresses management of economic systems in crisis conditions.
Objectives. The focus is on investigating and refining the structure of theoretical models of macroeconomic and economic crisis based on systemic and managerial approaches, taking into account institutional aspects.
Methods. The methodology of the study rests on the abstract-logical method.
Results. I developed models of unity of economic crises of different quality. The impact of external environment on the economy is taken into account.
Conclusions. It is necessary to move to anti-crisis management of the national economy, considering the clarified theoretical provisions.

Keywords: crisis model, anti-crisis management, institutional change, overt and latent crisis, threats and opportunities in crisis


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ISSN 2311-875X (Online)
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Vol. 20, Iss. 9
September 2024
