Subject. The article discusses the digital transformation of economy, prospects for creation of ‘digital government’, and support to small and medium-sized enterprises in the new conditions. Objectives. The purpose is to perform a comprehensive analysis of public initiatives in the trade sector, systematize national programs, and develop proposals to improve strategic projects, aimed at increasing the volume of exports from Russia. Methods. The study employs methods of statistical, logical, dispersion, cluster, and market analysis. Results. The digitalization of public services has a significant impact on the promotion of export products due to the reduction costs and time for preparation documents for suppliers, increasing the speed of shipment of goods. It is noted that a number of activities do not involve the private sector due to the low level of awareness of relevant activities. Conclusions. Digitalization of public services is crucial. Active participation of the private sector in the implementation of national programs aimed at the digital improvement of transport infrastructure is required.
Keywords: public initiative, digital transformation, national interests, digitalization of export, digital services
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