Valerii I. SALYGINInternational Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy, (MGIMO-University) Moscow, Russian Federation ORCID id: not available
Dar’ya S. DENIZInternational Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy, (MGIMO-University) Moscow, Russian Federation ORCID id: not available
Subject. The article addresses indicative plans for hydrogen energy development in South Africa, investigates economic linkages strengthening between South Africa and Russia. Objectives. We focus on analyzing the innovative segment of energy industry in South Africa, defining priority areas of cooperation for Russian enterprises. Methods. The study employs tools and techniques of system analysis. Results. The paper provides a detailed analysis of the production of hydrogen fuel cells in South Africa, with prospects for creation of vertically integrated enterprises. We present variants of cooperation between Russia and South Africa in the field of development and creation of innovative technological solutions. Conclusions. In South Africa, opportunities are being created for carbon-neutral fuel production based on hydrogen. By 2050, the country expects a radical transformation of its energy industry. The new system will rest on renewable power generation and hydrogen energy.
Keywords: hydrogen energy, South Africa, sustainable development, carbon border tax
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