Subject. The article considers the innovative interaction of universities with the government and the business. Objectives. The purpose is to define the role of universities in shaping innovation. Methods. The study employs the systems, graph and analytical methods of research. Results. The study shows that in conditions of innovation-driven economy, the "Triple Helix" is one of promising organizational systems of interaction between universities, the business and the State. I performed a comparative analysis of "Triple Helix" organization modes, defined the role functions of initiator subjects of innovative activity, and executor subjects of innovative activity that provide the innovative development of established ecosystems. Conclusions. The balanced regime of the "Triple Helix" organization is the most effective from the standpoint of innovation activity of universities in their interaction with the State and the business, since it contributes to the synergistic effect through the integration of roles of the initiator and the executor of various functions.
Keywords: triple helix, innovation activity, university, government, business
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